Christie Nome suggests that Biden’s dog should have been killed as well

South Dakota Gov. Christy Nome, who had already bragged about killing and setting fire to her family’s 14-month-old dog, on Sunday took aim at another family pet: Commander, President Biden’s bitten German shepherd.

Appearing on CBS’s “Face the Nation,” Republican Ms. Noem suggested that the commander, who was ousted from the White House last fall after bleeding several Secret Service agents, should also have been brought down.

“Joe Biden’s dog has attacked 24 Secret Service people,” he told his interviewer, Margaret Brennan. “So, how many people are going to be attacked and fatally injured before you decide on a dog?”

The commander was sent to an undisclosed location after the Secret Service recorded 24 bite episodes involving him between October 2022 and July 2023, half of which required medical attention.

Ms. Noyam’s opinion on the proper way to handle him was revealed while promoting the release of her memoir, “No Going Back,” to be released on Tuesday.

Former President Donald J. The South Dakota governor, widely seen as a rival to Trump, wrote in the book about a female wire-haired mouse named Cricket that he wants to use for pheasant hunting on his ranch. She said the dog proved “untrainable”, “dangerous to anyone she came in contact with” and “worthless” as a hunting dog – so she shot her in a gravel pit.

“I hated that dog,” Ms Nome wrote.

In describing his decision to shoot the raccoon, he noted to the commander: “A dog that bites is dangerous and unpredictable (are you listening, Joe Biden?) — especially if you run a business where people interact with your dogs,” he wrote. .

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The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

In the CBS interview, Ms. Noem tried to defend the cricket’s killing — and the fact that she also shot a goat the same day — as “a choice I made 20 years ago” to “protect people.”

But in his book, he also nods to the idea that cricket can be in a better place or a worse place. Envisioning becoming President in 2025, Mr. Sending Biden’s dog to meet his producer, Ms Noem added: “Commander, say hello to Cricket for me.”

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